2013년 3월 27일 수요일

Week 3 : Optional Extra credit 2 - Club, Church

◆ Write about a club or church group you are involved in.
     What does the club do? Why did you join?

  I attend my church, Sarang every sunday. But I'm not involved in any groups or club. Because It hasn't been long since I changed church. It was hard to change but I had a dream so I changed. Anyway so I couldn't join any clubs or groups. But I do group bible study every week. It is said "GBS". I'm involved in one group. There are about 10 people in one group.

  In group, people usually contemplate Bible and talk to each other about it. After services, we gather up to pray. Also we have a private meeting.

  I joined "GBS" after I registered to church. But yet this is obligation duty for each person, I really want to join this group and study bible. This because, I think this is not obligation but right for all disciple of Jesus. Also I already know that "GBS" is specialized than other church so I can learn bible easily. Then I registered and joined this church and this group.

Week 3 : Optional extra credit 1 - Send a thanks e-mail

I send my english thanks e-mail and also BBC the e-mail to professor NAM.
Please check it :)

Week 3 : Assignment

Wrtie a thank you letter (200-300 words) to someone.
    Include at least two of the following ideas.
    - How that person has helped you
    - What you have learned from that person
    - A good memory that you share
    - Things that you enjoy doing together

Daebangdong, Dongjakgu, Seoul. March 27, 2013

Chongshin Univ. Dorm. Sadangdong, Dongjakgu.

Dear Mijeong

  I'm writing to you to say my thanks for our memories we have had. Since I entered Chongshin University, I have met a lot of friends and have had many good remembrances. Also we spent time together on a recent.

  As you know, I'm quite introvert so it's hard to meet someone at first. But you are very kindness so I feel there is no distant. Also you are quite good listener and I have learned it from you. Because listening is difficult and I'm not good at listening. I just talk to others. I often think that I should listen to other's story and you make me remind everyday.

  I also want to share a good memory. Do you remeber that we went to Soongsil University? It was my first time that I spent time with my university mates. When we walked from Soongsil to Chongshin, we talked about a lot of things. Even though It was very short, This memory was impressive to me.

  I think it's because we get so busy in our lives, we cannot spend a lot of time together. Nevertheless I really like you as your friend. While nowadays, I'm so glad you live in dormitory. You look so relaxed and happy.

  I hope we will be more closeknit. Give my appreciation and thanks.

  Best wishes, Hyewon.

◇ Blog List ◇


2013년 3월 21일 목요일

Week 2 : Assignment 2 ( Reading )

◆ Reading : Read about an inspirational person. Fill in the following information.

- Name of the person : Mi-kyeong KIM
- Author’s name : News24
- Why is the person inspirational?
  Nowadays, Mi-kyeong KIM is one of the famous woman. She  appeared on television a few times, her face has become quite well-known. She is a company representative and she also is a doctor of EWHA woman's university. However, she said she is just a woman and a mother for my children.
  She is my inspirational nowdays because of her surroundings. She was very poverty. She lived in rural area and had no dreams in childhood. But after she went up to Seoul with no definite goal, she started to find her dreams, and now she became a one of the influential woman to many people. She makes people to think deeply. When she says something, there is a complete change in the mindset. 
  Why is Mi-kyeong inspirational for me? Another reason is that she is a Christian. She doesn't tell about Jesus on TV Show but people know she is christian. She is a woman who exercised considrable influence over people. So lots of people start to have a curiosity about our God.
  Lastly, she serves for poor around us. So she organizes a group that donates to poor. [http://happybean.naver.com/happyenergy/HappyEnergyFamousView.nhn?artclNo=123461794775]
  To sum up, people like her regardless of age including me. I know that a great man is always nearby us.
- Write two useful phrases that you found in the article :
   " Fight myself who was on yesterday not others."
   " We have to compare by ourselves everyday."

Week 2 : Optional extra credit 3 ( B&B)

* Write a business e-mail to the B&B that is advertized on page 13 of your textbook.
  ( I tried to upload on Educlass but it did not work. So I post on my blog.)

  Hi, I saw your advertisement of B&B in a magazine. I was interested in your place. So I'm writing an email to check something that you were advertised and also ask something else.

  I want to go there in August 4, 2013. I cannot ensure how many person will take a trip. But maybe three include me will go to there.

  I would write demands as following : Air conditioner, walk to stroll, Wi-fi, first-aid medicine, etc.

  Then, it is said that there are single room and double room. What's the price differential between single and double? Should we use the double room? Also, we will arrived at evening, is it possible to serve the dinner? If it is possible, do we have to pay an extra? Lastly, are there any other people at the same day and night?

  I have never visited to B&B. So, I don't know well about it. However, I'm very excited! Would you explain in detail, please? It would be very helpful if you explain me of any other informations, such as what should we take pack.

  I look forward to receivng your letter.

  Thank you.

Week 2 : Optional extra credit 2 - Email a request for information to an international organization.

UNV [+UNVolunteers Nicaragua]
Email address : information@unvolunteers.org

I send an e-mail for asking information to an international organization "UNV"
Also I send an BBC e-mail to professor. Nam. Please check it! :-)

2013년 3월 20일 수요일

Week 2 : Optional extra credit 1 - Something that I did this week.

  On March 14, I went to an amusement park with my boyfriend. My friend, Joy and her boyfriend joined us and we had dates together. Usually, we couldn't go amusement park. The admission price was so high for students like us! The admission price was 25000won to 30000won. However, God is always on our side. We had tickets that make us enter into the amusement park. We had to pay just 10000won! 10000won! That day, it was very freezing but we were very excited! So we held hand each other and went to the amusement park, Lotteworld!

  Lotteworld is divided into two sections. One is the outside, the other is the inside. Anyway, we went outside first! Fortunately, there were a few people because of the cold weather. We were very excited and went on the rides that usually couldn't ride on account of lots of people. Even though my hair was waving in the wind and my boyfriend shuddered, we went on lots of  rides.

  However, we couldn't stand in cold. So we got indoors. The merry-go-round was in there. This is very famous because famous actors were filmed at here before. So we took pictures near by this.

  Over time, All of us were getting tired. So we ate hamburgers and Churros! It was very delicious. Also we talked to each other for a long time. Yes. We had a good time.

  It was the first time that I went to an amusement park with my boyfriend. It was also the first time that I went there with my friend's couple. At first, it was a little bit awkward. But it was a great time! It was a nice day for me!

March 16, Sat.

2013년 3월 19일 화요일

Week 2 : Assignment

[ Sending Business Email ]
C. Make a draft of a letter to one of the organizations you found last week.
Email to SIM [ Http://www.sim.org ]
(Actually, I want to send an Email to UFM(Unevangelized Fields Mission) but suddenly it doesn't not link to site)

Paragragh 1 : Saying how I saw the information of the organization “SIM”.
                      Saying why I’m writing a letter.

Paragragh 2 : Saying how long I want to serve and evangelize.
                      Saying where I want to go to serve and evangelize.

Paragragh 3 : Asking about that it would be acceptable.
                      Asking about cost to participate.

Paragragh 4 : Final comment.
Paragragh 5 : Closing the email.

  Hi, I'm Hyewon Choi from South Korea. I saw the information of your organization on the Internet.
I'm writing to you because I want to know something about your organization.

  I want to serve and evangerlize for short-term missionary work. Also I want to serve in the Africa or Europe.

  Is it possible to serve where I want to go? I looked up where I can go on the internet. I wondered if it is possible. Also How much the cost is to participate?

  It would be very helpful if you could inform me of any other informations, such as what should I do for mission.

  I look forward to hearing from you. 

Week 2 : In-class Activity

[ March 14 ] Today's goals
1. Essay writing practice
2. Write a formal business letter
3. Recognize formal and informal expressions
4. Organize a letter into paragraphs

* Have you ever travelled aborad as part of a group?
   I went to Indonesia in this winter with my family.
* Group travel
   Advantages : save money / take pictures of each other / not lonely / not boring
                         get information / safer / don't have to plan
   Disadvantages : arguments / sacrifice your priorities / no personal times / no freedom
                              bad egg / too much planning / wait for people  / count everyone

1. Essay writing practice
  Q. The best way to travel is in a group led by a tour guide?
  The best way to travel I prefer is not in a groupd led by a tour guide but in a group themselves. Traveling with  a tour guide has few advantages while it has many disadvantages.

  Of course, taking a trip led by guide is easy to travel. Because the guide makes a plan durig a whole travel, so travelers don't have to do that. However, this can be the weakness. No wonder travelers don't know the schedule. They can be unconcerned with that. Also, traveling with the guide has formal visit. Then, travelers can't feel any culture or view of there.

  Meanwhile, traveling just in a group themselves has a lot of advantages.
  First, travelers can plan to travel by ourselves. This makes feel them excited. Also they can feel like a leader of one project.
  Second, travelers can get a memory which would not easily  be forgotten. Because travelers can register for a long time and they can take a lot of pictures each other. This can be the most strength of traveling with the group. Because this help people to avoid feeling lonely that can be exist in traveling alone.
  Finally, travelers can save the money without a guide rather than the other case, traveling with the guide. Because travelers have to give some tips to guide.

  To sum up, I think the best way to travel I prefer is in a group just by themselves.

2. Write a formal business letter
  This July I will travel to Venice and I am looking for suitable accommodations. I saw your advertisement on the newspaper. So I send an email to get an information of your apartment. We will register for four nights.

  I will ask some questions as following : Is there air conditioner? Is it possible to use Internet? How much is booking apartment? and Could you give me precise details about prices?

  It would be very helpful if you could inform me of any other things.
  I look forwarrd to hearing from you.

3. Recognize formal and informal expressions.
   Writing book p. 11

4. Organize a letter into paragraphs
    Writing Book p. 12

2013년 3월 13일 수요일

Week 1 : Assignment

◆ Buy textbook : I bought 'Real Writing 3' on March 11.
◆ Create English Writing Blog : I made my blog. An Address is 'choiihyewon.blogspot.kr/'
◆ Optional extra credit (Write about 5 interesting facts about myself on the blog) : I was done!
◆ Enter my blog address here : I was done!
◆ Find three English Websites for organizations that aloow you to travel for mission or volunteer work. Fill in the following information about each organization.

Organization 1 :
Web address : http://www.sim.org
Name of organization : SIM(Sudan Interior Mission)
Type of volunteer/mission work : SIM members serve God among many diverse people groups in Africa, Asia, and South America. They served only for Sudan but there are more than 1,600 active missionaries serving in more than 60 countries in Africa, Asia and South America.
Destination (where do you go to do this kind of work) : The office of this organization or Africa
Cost to participate : It is free!
Write 2 questions you could ask about this organization :
1) What do people have to join this organizaton ( in detail ) ?
2) What kind of volunteering does organization have when the organization goes to there?

Organization 2 :
Web address : http://www.ufm.org : There are history more than 80 years.
Name of organization : Unevangelized Fields Mission
Type of volunteer/mission work : Short-term Mission work. Publishing. Education etc.
Destination (where do you go to do this kind of work) : Anywhere to Educate
Cost to participate :
Write 2 questions you could ask about this organization :
1) This organization is so huge. So does organization have any problems?
2) Can I join the group according to my wish?

Organization 3 :
Web address : http://www.aim-us.org
Name of organization : AIM - African Inland Mission
Type of volunteer/mission work : evangerlize in area that there is no gospel.
Destination (where do you go to do this kind of work) : East Africa.
Cost to participate :
Write 2 questions you could ask about this organization :
1) Are there any problems when you do mission work in area that there is no gospel.
2) When you succeeded to mission work in there, how was it?

Week 1 : Optional extra credit - Introducing about my 5 interesting facts!

  Since I was child, I have heard "You are so an all-round person, right?"
Are you interested in me?
OK, I will talk to you about my interesting facts!

  First, I am a only daughter. However, I have never heard "You are like an only child." Rather, I heard so many times " You have a brother, right?". But unfortunately, I don't have any brothers/Sisters. I do want have them. Do you want to be?

  Second, I am mixed-blood person. My grandmother who is mother of my mom is Japanese. But I have never met her. Becasue she passed away so long ago before I was born. I really miss her.

  Third, I do like singing a song. When I was middle-school student, I wanted to be a singer. So I had a lot of auditions. Even, A popular singer taught me how to sing a song very well. Although I'm not good at singing a song now, I really like it. Actually, I have learned "Flute" for 7-8 years. So I have a talent for music a little bit.

  Fourth, I was a swimmer when I was in the elementary school. I was a swimmer representing my town. I won the medal in the National Games. My parents was proud of me very much.

  Finally, I'm hopeless in English even though I'm in the English Education Department. I'm not good at speaking English or writing Essay. However, I will try my best!

Thank you.


My name is Hyewon Choi.
This is my first time using a Blog.
This is A Blog for my courses "Writing Class" of Heidi :)
I really excited because of taking this course with you!
I hope you enjoy, thanks you so much.