2013년 4월 6일 토요일

Week 4 : Optional extra credit - What I learned in Chapel or other classes.

◆ Tell about something interesting that you learned about in chapel or one or your other classes.

  These days, the church that I attend is in danger. This is one of the megachurches in korea. Recently, however, people are shaken so atmosphere in the church is too dark.

  Our official is very witty and humorous but on last week, he cried at sermon. He broke off in mid-sentence and cried for quite a long time. He said that he knew that the church is in danger and it is so hard to believe. It was so hard to him even though he was leader of us. He said over and over again, "We have to pray for our church.." I was deeply worried.

  There are churches for our God but nowdays, there are so many people who think that the churches are ours. I was worried about that. I was thinking during that worship. Why we are hard pressed? What depressed us? Well, Really, are we praying for our God in right way? Are we appreciating? Are we repenting of our sins everyday?  Then, official said we have to take our packages out and just follow our Jesus. We are so greedy that we are hard. Thus, we should follow him.

  I pray for everyone can pray in right way so we can be firm as a rock in front of our Jesus.
I hope we would be happy in our God.


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